230,000 Acres of Tropical Rainforest Protected as Biodiversity Hotspot For Jaguars in Belize

Decades ago, a radical idea was born to protect the Maya Forest in Belize. What if NGOs, the government, community leaders, and businesses could form a coalition to conserve one of the world’s last remaining pristine rainforests? Now that dream is a reality, with more than a dozen organizations coming together to protect 236,000 acres

Di |2021-04-26T19:17:18+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Irish Farmer Stumbles Onto ‘Untouched’ Ancient Tomb of Stone Near Dingle

A farmer on Ireland’s Dingle Peninsula was surprised to find a stone-lined passageway beneath a rock he had turned over in his fields. Many stone tombs called “dolmans” are scattered across the peninsula, and this one seemed different. It appeared to pass under the ground and was in pristine condition. The tomb is lined with

Di |2021-04-26T17:47:12+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Chernobyl Guards Have Befriended Abandoned Dogs, Feeding Them and Bringing Medical Care

In the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, guards watching for human trespassers are befriending and even caring for the descendants of dogs abandoned when tens of thousands of people had to abandon their entire lives and flee when reactor 4 exploded in 1986. Their interactions, collected and documented through work from the BBC, tell a story of a spark

Di |2021-04-26T17:21:25+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Il discorso integrale di Greta Thunberg al Congresso americano

“Saremo noi giovani a decidere come voi adulti verrete ricordati nei libri di storia”“Fino a quando continuerete a ignorare la crisi climatica? Sappiate che saremo noi giovani a scrivere di voi nei libri di storia. Quindi vi consiglio di fare la scelta giusta”.Il 22 aprile l’attivista svedese #GretaThunberg ha discusso dell’impatto ambientale dei combustibili fossili

Di |2021-04-26T16:44:58+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Monkeys Unite and Form Unlikely Alliances After Hurricane Maria Ravaged their Island

An interesting new study seems to indicate that monkeys increase the size of their social circles during times of strife or resource scarcity. Researchers observed Puerto Rico’s rhesus macaque populations on Cayo Santiago in the aftermath of 2017’s Hurricane Maria, and observed each individual increase the amount of grooming activities, as well as the number

Di |2021-04-26T16:19:35+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

‘Disasters know no borders’ says Guterres, 35 years on from Chernobyl nuclear accident

In his message for Chernobyl International Remembrance Day on Monday, the UN chief reminded that “disasters know no borders”. 

Di |2021-04-26T15:52:18+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Cos’è la Lista verde dell’Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura

Per sapere se una specie, animale o vegetale che sia, è in pericolo di estinzione oppure no, c’è solo una cosa da fare: consultare la Lista rossa (o Red list) dell’Unione internazionale per la conservazione della natura (Iucn). Non tutti sanno però che l’Iucn redige parallelamente anche una Lista verde (o Green list), meno famosa

Di |2021-04-26T15:47:46+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

New UN-led global immunization push aims to save more than 50 million lives

A UN-led global immunization strategy was unveiled on Monday to reach more than 50 million children who have missed lifesaving jabs against diseases such as measles, yellow fever and diptheria, in large part because of COVID-19 disruption. 

Di |2021-04-26T15:00:18+02:00Aprile 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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