UAE: UN experts condemn forced return of ex-Guantanamo inmate to Russia despite torture risk
UAE: UN experts condemn forced return of ex-Guantanamo inmate to Russia, say he may face torture and ill-treatment
UAE: UN experts condemn forced return of ex-Guantanamo inmate to Russia, say he may face torture and ill-treatment
Authorities must protect judges and civil servants against treats, and uphold rule of law -- UN expert
Countries should respect human rights and combat damaging disinformation with free media and digital literacy, not Internet shutdowns and repression, says UN expert.
William e Harry di nuovo uniti scoprono la statua per suoi 60 anni
Without an urgent injection of cash, billions globally risk still being without lifesaving access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services by 2030, according to a new UN report published on Thursday.
Brand esplorano nuovi materiali, c'è anche ortica dell'Himalaya
Although the COVID-19 pandemic had triggered the roll-out of an “unprecedented number” of new and often innovative social protection measures, it was unable to stem a widening gap between rich and poor countries, according to a new UN report released on Thursday.
Continua, all’insegna della responsabilità ambientale e sociale, la collaborazione fra Toyota e Retake Roma, il movimento spontaneo di cittadini che promuove la vivibilità e la rigenerazione urbana. Il 23 e il 24 giugno, oltre 120 dipendenti delle quattro aziende che fanno parte del Gruppo Toyota si sono trasformati in “retaker” per ripulire dai rifiuti i
With cases now doubling in Africa every three weeks, the Delta variant of COVID-19 has spread to 16 countries and it is present in three of the five nations reporting the highest caseloads. The variant is the most contagious yet - up to 60% more transmissible than other variants.
As a friend of GNN likes to say, “it’s cheaper to save the Earth than ruin it.” Despite various world governments continuing to keep their coal and oil projects afloat and flourishing, market demand and private entrepreneurship is driving what can only be described as a revolution. The following achievements might have been unbelievable when