Dog Thrown From Car in Accident Found Herding Sheep on Nearby Farm

How did Sherlock Holmes solve The Case of the Missing Sheepdog? By using simple logic. What do sheepdogs do? They herd sheep. So, if a sheepdog were to suddenly vanish, where might one expect to find him? Herding sheep, of course. All right, for all you sticklers, we’re aware that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle never

Di |2021-07-02T20:13:02+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Landmark gender equality forum concludes with concrete commitments, plan to advance parity by 2026 

With the chief of the UN’s gender empowerment agency declaring that women are still “sitting in the corridors when men are inside at the table negotiating peace”, the historic Generation Equality Forum in Paris concluded on Friday with new commitments designed to address that, and other injustices.

Di |2021-07-02T18:30:48+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Strangers Track Down Writer Who Launched Message in a Bottle Nearly a Century Ago

Turn back the clock to 1926. Imagine yourself a teenager, your whole life ahead of you, shining with possibility. It’s your birthday. As a gift to yourself, you toss a message in a bottle into the local river and watch it float from sight—never knowing if or when the bright-eyed boy you are now will

Di |2021-07-02T17:55:40+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Video of Divers Alongside 26-Feet-Long ‘Giant Sea Worm’ is Something to Behold

It turns out there are people in the world who, during a dive, choose to swim towards a 26-foot-long pink tube coming right for them. Thank goodness for that, because if there weren’t humanity wouldn’t have gotten the video below. Videographer Steve Hathaway and his friend Andrew Buttle were diving off the coast of New

Di |2021-07-02T17:05:26+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Indonesia Sees Lowest Rates of Deforestation in 30 Years, Cuts Forest Loss 75% Year-Over-Year

Indonesia’s forests are a home to people and birds, leopards, rhinos, tigers, and gibbons that can be seen playing in the lush canopies—and recent protections are helping these vital places thrive. Indigenous tribes, orangutans, and so much more now have a seat at the table under the stewardship of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, elected in

Di |2021-07-02T16:12:05+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

COVID-19 Delta variant detected in 98 countries, continues to evolve and mutate, warns WHO

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday urged leaders to push back against daunting new COVID surges through increased vaccination efforts and public health measures, warning that with Delta quickly becoming the dominant strain in many countries ‘we are in a very dangerous period of the pandemic’.

Di |2021-07-02T16:11:35+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Annalisa Stupenengo, Fpt Industrial: “Elettrico e idrogeno sono complementari, non alternativi”

La mobilità è un tema chiave per qualsiasi grande città. A Torino, la cui storia è legata a doppio filo all’industria automobilistica, non c’è da stupirsi se è tra le assolute priorità dei cittadini. Dal primo Osservatorio Torino sostenibile di LifeGate si scopre che l’87 per cento è a conoscenza dell’incremento del sistema di car,

Di |2021-07-02T13:38:13+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

IT.A.CÀ, il festival del turismo sostenibile, fa tappa a Bologna

Tra le 25 tappe in 16 regioni diverse dell’edizione 2021 di IT.A.CÀ – migranti e viaggiatori, il festival del turismo sostenibile e responsabile, Bologna non poteva di certo mancare. Proprio a Bologna nel 2009, infatti, IT.A.CÀ ha mosso i suoi primi passi. Ideato e progettato dall’associazione Yoda aps, Cospe onlus e Nexus Emilia Romagna, l’obiettivo principale

Di |2021-07-02T13:13:59+02:00Luglio 2nd, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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