Displasia nel cane, la prevenzione comincia da cuccioli

La displasia dell’anca nei cani è una patologia frequente che può essere invalidante e portare conseguenze fisiche di un certo rilievo. Questa malattia si traduce in un’anomalia dello sviluppo dell’articolazione coxo-femorale, e colpisce soggetti che non hanno una crescita e una conformazione delle anche corretta. A seconda del grado in cui si manifesta, la malattia

Di |2021-05-13T08:11:10+02:00Maggio 13th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

First Person: ‘God save us from famine’

The conflict in Yemen forced Asia El-Sayeed Ali and her family from her home in Aden’s Al Tawahi district, where there was active fighting, in 2015. Today, she works at a health clinic supported by the World Food Programme (WFP), where she cares for children, and their mothers, suffering from malnutrition.

Di |2021-05-13T04:30:07+02:00Maggio 13th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

New Tech Makes Perishable Food Last For Months Without a Fridge, Helping Farmers and the Planet

A food-tech startup in upstate New York has developed technology to preserve food without refrigeration for months beyond when it would normally spoil, without the use of artificial preservatives. Poised to cut down on the millions of tons of food waste worldwide, it also has the potential to transform agriculture in developing countries where refrigerated

Di |2021-05-12T20:08:08+02:00Maggio 12th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Scientists Discover Psychedelic-Like Drug That Doesn’t Cause Hallucinations

A new psychedelic-like ‘wonder drug’ could treat depression and post-traumatic stress disorder—without causing hallucinogenic ‘tripping’. Psychedelics have long shown promise for treating a host of mental illnesses, and now scientists have identified a compound that provides only the benefits. Named AAZ-A-154, it has the potential to repair chemical pathways in the brain, say the US

Di |2021-05-12T20:05:02+02:00Maggio 12th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Iraq: New UN report shines light on ‘deeply worrying’ pattern of restrictions in Kurdistan 

Over the past year, freedom of expression in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has been increasingly curtailed, according to a UN report issued on Wednesday.   

Di |2021-05-12T18:26:17+02:00Maggio 12th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Terre rare, gli esperti chiedono che il riciclo sia obbligatorio

Indio, ittrio, neodimio, litio. Sono solo alcuni dei 17 metalli con proprietà magnetiche ed elettrochimiche uniche presenti nella tavola periodica chiamati anche “terre rare”. Si tratta di elementi indispensabili per la fabbricazione delle nuove tecnologie, ma anche dei sistemi per la produzione di energia eolica, solare e per le comunicazioni ottiche. Contrariamente a quanto il

Di |2021-05-12T16:58:22+02:00Maggio 12th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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