She’s Starting College at Age 12, With Plans to Be a NASA Engineer

Over the course of the pandemic, the landscape of education has drastically changed, but that hasn’t kept one brilliant girl whose dreams have never been earthbound from reaching for the stars. While most pre-teens are navigating the challenges of middle school, at age 12, Alena Analeigh has already earned her high school diploma and is

Di |2021-04-27T21:42:10+02:00Aprile 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Key workers need greater protections amidst COVID fight, new ILO report warns

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the workplace dangers faced by key workers who need far greater protection to do their jobs safely, the International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Tuesday.

Di |2021-04-27T19:31:22+02:00Aprile 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Artist Takes Twigs and Turns Them Into Dancing Figures—Creating New Image Every Day

Twigs are good for starting fires, roasting marshmallows—and it turns out—making art. Using found twigs , London-born Chris Kenny makes dancing figures, famous and not-so-famous saints, even a baby. Kenny is invested in his art. For the past 5 years, he’s been making playful twig portraits daily and posting them on Instagram @twigsaints. In Chris’s

Di |2021-04-27T18:51:48+02:00Aprile 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Lost and Desperate Hiker Saved by Man’s ‘Very Weird’ GPS Hobby

Benjamin Kuo enjoys looking at photos and figuring out precisely where they’ve been taken. He happily admits that being a satellite mapping enthusiast is a “very weird hobby. But recently, his quirky interest may just have saved a California man’s life. Rene Compean was hiking alone in Angeles National Forest when he realized he no

Di |2021-04-27T17:28:34+02:00Aprile 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

How to Germinate Your Seeds Using an Instant Pot—WATCH

From rice to ragu, maybe you thought you’d cooked up every possible must-try recipe in your Instant Pot. But how about cooking up seeds? Or more accurately, how about germinating everything from tomatoes to peppers and eggplants? In the short video below, watch government scientist and keen gardener Lyanne Betit show you how to get

Di |2021-04-27T17:22:17+02:00Aprile 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

La rivoluzione elettrica di Ford inizia con Mustang Mach-E. L’abbiamo provata

Eredita il nome di una delle sportive più iconiche di sempre, ma al posto del potente 8 cilindri a benzina c’è l’efficienza di un motore elettrico (due nella versione 4×4). Comincia con Mustang Mach-E il percorso che, in tempi relativamente brevi (2030), farà di Ford uno dei primi costruttori a proporre, almeno in Europa, solo

Di |2021-04-27T17:10:53+02:00Aprile 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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