Oscar: sul red carpet abiti “social distancing”
Bakalova, Mulligan e Regina King, gli abiti obbligano a distanze
Bakalova, Mulligan e Regina King, gli abiti obbligano a distanze
regista di Nomadland potrebbe fare la storia
The UN Special Representative in Iraq expressed “shock and pain” on Sunday over a deadly accident that befell a COVID-19 hospital in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.
Statuetta conservata anche in posti meno ovvii
Materiali naturali, piante ossigenanti, consumo energetico smart
The world’s oldest known wild bird, a Laysan albatross named Wisdom, hatched another chick this season at age 70. Every year, millions of albatrosses return to Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge to their same nesting site—and reunite with the same mate. In the world’s largest colony of albatrosses, Wisdom and her mate, Akeakamai, have been
This week, during the international Climate Summit, three governments and nine giant corporations announced a groundbreaking coalition, called LEAF, which is mobilizing to raise at least $1 billion this year, alone, for large-scale forest protection and sustainable development. The coalition already includes the governments of the UK, US, and Norway, and international companies, including Airbnb,
In order to preserve a species threatened by an infectious disease, Saint Louis Zoo scientists have hired an elite team of sleuths—turtle-hunting dogs. Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Park is a 425-acre site christened last year to be used as part of the zoo’s extensive conservation programming. Last week, seven Boykin spaniels began sniffing for three-toed
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It has long been known that obesity is an inflammatory disease, i.e. a chronic defensive reaction of the body to stress caused by excess nutrients. Based on this knowledge, a group of researchers led by Nabil Djouder, Head of the Growth Factors, Nutrients and Cancer Group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), decided