See Rare Sunrise Spectacular As Solar Eclipse Hits Parts of U.S. and Canada This Week

It’s time to dig out the solar glasses from the back of the cupboard, because on the morning of June 10—that’s this Thursday—the Sun, Moon, and Earth will bring us a highlight of the summer stargazing season as a solar eclipse hits the Northern Hemisphere. If you’re in the Lower 48 you’ll want to be

Di |2021-06-08T19:29:45+02:00Giugno 8th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

5 Experiments Proving Invertebrates Are Much More Aware than We Think

Swat a fly; who cares, it’s not like they have feelings. Or do they? Jonathan Balcombe is an English ethnologist—a studier of animal behavior—and has published several books on the subject, the most recent of which was called Super Fly: The Unexpected Lives of the World’s Most Successful Insects.  In it, he begins to try

Di |2021-06-08T19:00:16+02:00Giugno 8th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

UNICEF and celebrities appeal to G7 countries: Donate COVID vaccinations ‘now’  

From David Beckham to Whoopi Goldberg and Angelique Kidjo, Ambassadors for the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other agencies, have signed an open letter to the upcoming G7 Summit of world leaders, underscoring the urgency of suppling vaccine donations now. 

Di |2021-06-08T16:24:24+02:00Giugno 8th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Il riscatto per l’oleodotto attaccato dagli hacker è stato recuperato in parte dall’Fbi

Il Federal Bureau of Investigation (Fbi) ha recuperato una buona parte del riscatto pagato dalla Colonial pipeline per rimettere in moto l’oleodotto messo fuori uso da un attacco hacker. A inizio maggio la rete di cybercriminali russa Darkside aveva colpito con un ransomware l’infrastruttura petrolifera statunitense, che rifornisce circa la metà della costa orientale americana.

Di |2021-06-08T15:57:20+02:00Giugno 8th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

To Respond to Rising Sea Levels, the Maldives is Building a Floating City

Late 19th and early 20th century fiction was filled with visions of a brave new world where science, technology, and machinery would come together to build metropolises under the sea, floating in the air, or out in space. Now a Dutch planning and architecture firm is working with the Maldives to create a 200-hectare floating

Di |2021-06-08T15:36:38+02:00Giugno 8th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

150 Brands Unite Behind NGO to Clean Up World Paper Supply Chains, Saving Forests and Improving Recycling

Pack4Good, a campaign by the NGO Canopy, is one of the fastest growing corporate responsibility platforms in America for ensuring paper packaging is not coming from virgin, endangered, or valuable forests. Canopy’s work in auditing supply chains and providing recycled or sustainable packaging solutions has attracted 750 brands across all its campaigns, including e-commerce giants

Di |2021-06-08T15:18:47+02:00Giugno 8th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Insieme alle lingue indigene, anche le conoscenze sulle piante medicinali potrebbero sparire per sempre

Ci sono lingue che accomunano centinaia di milioni di persone, come il cinese mandarino (921 milioni di madrelingua) o lo spagnolo (471 milioni). C’è la lingua franca per eccellenza, l’inglese: sommando i 369,9 milioni di madrelingua con tutti coloro per cui è la seconda e terza lingua, si arriva a 1,35 miliardi di persone. Ma

Di |2021-06-08T14:25:26+02:00Giugno 8th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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