95-Year-old Widowers Who Found Love in the Time of COVID Get Married

With social distancing and limited face-to-face interaction, dating in the time of coronavirus has proved a challenge for everyone, but when Cupid’s dart struck one spirited pair of nonagenarians, they refused to say no to love. When John Shults, a widower twice over, met Joy Morrow-Nulton who’d also lost two previous spouses, he knew he

Di |2021-06-09T21:22:18+02:00Giugno 9th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

UN experts to G7: Production of safe COVID-19 vaccines must outweigh profit 

A group of UN independent human rights experts called on Wednesday for the leaders of the world’s largest economies to ensure equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for people in the Global South, urging them not to allow the profit motive to undermine global health and equity. 

Di |2021-06-09T16:16:12+02:00Giugno 9th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Avanchair, la startup che punta su innovazione e inclusione sociale

“Come nei fumetti della Marvel ci siamo inventati un superpotere”. Esordisce così Andrea Depalo nel raccontare Avanchair, startup innovativa che ha realizzato e brevettato un modello di sedia a rotelle elettrica che integra nella sua volumetria un sistema di traslazione laterale e verticale della persona che vi sta seduta, consentendole di spostarsi su altre superfici

Di |2021-06-09T16:15:29+02:00Giugno 9th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Prisons Across America Are Being Repurposed into Homeless Shelters, Educational Farms – Even Movie Studios

U.S. prison populations are declining. This is not only attributable to the easing of drug laws across the country, but also in rising standards of living in previously poorer states. The gradual shuttering of prisons in the U.S. has also led to a creativity boom in the form of redesigning old correctional facilities for other

Di |2021-06-09T16:09:47+02:00Giugno 9th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

‘Mass deaths’ alert in Myanmar as 100,000 flee junta’s heavy weapons

In Myanmar, international action is needed urgently to prevent “mass deaths” there, after civilians fled attacks by so-called “junta bombs”, a top independent UN rights expert has warned.

Di |2021-06-09T13:28:21+02:00Giugno 9th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Specie aliene, biodiversità in crisi, temperature in aumento. Così soffre il Mediterraneo

Acque sempre più calde in cui proliferano specie aliene invasive capaci di distruggere gli ecosistemi marini nativi. Un crollo verticale delle popolazioni di vertebrati e il rischio di estinzione che incombe su centinaia di specie animali e vegetali. In occasione della Giornata mondiale degli oceani, due nuovi studi – ad opera rispettivamente dell’organizzazione ambientalista Wwf

Di |2021-06-09T13:13:55+02:00Giugno 9th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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