Shell dovrà ridurre le emissioni. L’ha ordinato il tribunale

La multinazionale petrolifera Royal Dutch Shell dovrà ridurre le proprie emissioni di gas serra del 45 per cento entro il 2030, rispetto ai livelli del 2019, per essere in linea con i requisiti imposti dall’Accordo di Parigi sul clima. È quanto dispone la corte distrettuale dell’Aia, nei Paesi Bassi, in una storica sentenza emanata mercoledì

Di |2021-05-27T08:22:35+02:00Maggio 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

La tartaruga gigante di Fernandina si credeva estinta, non lo è

Dopo oltre 100 anni in cui si è creduta estinta, la tartaruga gigante di Fernandina (Chelonoidis phantasticus), in realtà, non lo è. La conferma di questa splendida notizia è arrivata martedì 25 maggio grazie ai risultati di alcuni test del dna condotti su una testuggine, chiamata Fern, presente sull’isola di Fernandina, alle Galapagos, che confermano

Di |2021-05-27T07:01:30+02:00Maggio 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Paul McCartney is Helping People Grow Their Own Fruits and Vegetables in the UK for Better Health and Wellbeing

After a year in lockdown, growing fruit and veg at home has officially taken root—with more than half of adults cultivating their own produce during the past 12 months. The trend is particularly popular among younger adults, with six in ten 18-to-34 year-olds growing their own—and now a former Beatle and his family are spearheading

Di |2021-05-27T00:24:33+02:00Maggio 27th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

UN rights chief urges Libya, EU, to protect migrants crossing the central Mediterranean

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Wednesday urged Libya’s unity government and European Union (EU) countries to act to protect migrants making the dangerous crossing in the central Mediterranean Sea. 

Di |2021-05-26T19:25:30+02:00Maggio 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Stunning Photos of This Morning’s ‘Super Flower Blood Moon’ Eclipse (LOOK)

If you rose early this morning to see the first lunar eclipse in more than two years, yet all you have to show for your experience is an image of a tiny, glowing red smudge in a dark sky—that’s not necessarily a sign of poor photography skills, just a lack of a telephoto lens. Long-focus

Di |2021-05-26T17:39:27+02:00Maggio 26th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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