Furti di cani, è record in Italia. Come proteggere il nostro amico a quattro zampe

Nel nostro paese c’è un altro triste record: quello dei furti di cani. Avvengono un po’ dappertutto. In casa durante una rapina, nelle automobili parcheggiate e momentaneamente incustodite, nei giardini pubblici o nelle aree cani, o quando il nostro amico a quattro zampe gironzola incustodito per strade o campagne. Il fenomeno non è appannaggio solo

Di |2021-05-19T06:00:50+02:00Maggio 19th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Seaweed Could be Food, Fuel, and Sustainable Material of the Future, Researchers Find

Australian scientists have been uncovering a near-unending list of ways kelp and other kinds of seaweed can help in the fight against climate change. It’s the continued study and harvesting of seaweed species in Australia that has Dr. Pia Winberg convinced they can play as large a role in human civilization as commodities like wheat,

Di |2021-05-18T18:14:07+02:00Maggio 18th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

‘World First’ as Vet Saves Eye of a Tiger in Operation

In a world first, a veterinarian performed surgery to heal an ulcerated cornea on the eye: of a tiger. If one can withstand the insufferable puns, they might be pleased to note that 17-year-old Sumatran tiger Ratna at Shepreth Wildlife Park in England made a full recovery after the surgery that successfully restored her eyesight.

Di |2021-05-18T18:07:09+02:00Maggio 18th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

Red Lobster Workers Spots Rare Breed: ‘1 in 30 Million’ Calico Lobster Will Swim Easy At Virginia Sanctuary

An extremely rare calico lobster was recently found at a Red Lobster by employees who spotted its unique spotted shell. The male calico lobster, named Freckles by the staff in Manassas, arrived at the Virginia restaurant as part of a regular delivery from Maine. When team members recognized the lobster’s orange and black shell covering,

Di |2021-05-18T15:46:31+02:00Maggio 18th, 2021|Breaking news|0 Commenti

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