A cordial greeting to you from the Global Intergovernmental Organization CNU. Any Human Being who believes that their civil, political, economic, social, cultural, or fundamental rights have been violated can file formal complaints with the CNU, so that it can appropriately promote and take suitable action. Complaints can be filed personally or on behalf of a group as Human Beings, Natural Persons, or Legal Entities. The Complaint Form must be completed clearly, without any false information in the required fields. Once the form is completed, a copy of the filed Complaint will be sent to the shared email, indicating the Reported Cause. It should be noted that any Cause promoted by CNU must include a complaint received through this Complaint Form; without the completion of this form, the Complaint does not exist, and therefore the Cause or procedure will not be handled by the CNU. The CNU may close the corresponding case for the following reasons: Successful completion of the case objectives, falsehood on the part of the alleged interested party depending on the cause, failure of the beneficiary to comply with the cooperation agreement with the CNU, or due to the absence or explicit written statement of the beneficiary regarding the cause.

The procedure is valid only if evidence such as photos, audio or videos proving the crime is attached