L’Unione europea vieterà le gabbie negli allevamenti entro il 2027
Le specie che oggi sono ancora legalmente allevate in gabbia all’interno dell’Unione europea sono conigli, galline, quaglie, anatre, scrofe e vitelli. Si
Dog Thrown From Car in Accident Found Herding Sheep on Nearby Farm
How did Sherlock Holmes solve The Case of the Missing Sheepdog? By using simple logic. What do sheepdogs do? They herd sheep.
Landmark gender equality forum concludes with concrete commitments, plan to advance parity by 2026
With the chief of the UN’s gender empowerment agency declaring that women are still “sitting in the corridors when men are inside at the table negotiating peace”, the historic Generation Equality Forum in Paris concluded on Friday with new commitments designed to
Okavango, 130.000 elefanti africani in pericolo a causa della ricerca di petrolio
Sono decine di migliaia gli elefanti africani (Loxodonta africana) minacciati dalle ricerche per i pozzi esplorativi del giacimento petrolifero scoperto tra
Internet shutdowns now ‘entrenched’ in certain regions, rights council hears
The practice of shutting down internet and mobile phone access to stifle dissent has become “entrenched” and more sophisticated in
Pitti Uomo, c’è rilancio di Borsalino
Progetto di espansione su nuovi mercati Usa e Asia
La bellezza circolare del riciclo della plastica
Conoscenze, tecnologie e creatività. La messa a sistema di questi valori rende il Made in Italy capace di vincere la
Stunning Cafes Will Make You Feel Like You’re Stepping Into a Comic Book
Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? In one stunningly decorated Russian coffee shop, the answer is a bit of both. Café Bw,
Da Ginori linea Arcadia con il designer Orazio Stasi
Fiori con occhi, piante e cavallucci disegnati su porcellane
Pigna, quando dai quaderni parte l’alfabetizzazione sostenibile
Sono radici profonde quelle che legano Pigna non soltanto al suo territorio di origine, ma a tutta l’Italia, in una sorta di staffetta che unisce
UN rights office highlights policing reforms to address systemic racism
Radical policing reforms are needed to address systemic racism affecting people of African descent around the world, UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet said on Monday, as her Office published a
WHO guidance on Artificial Intelligence to improve healthcare, mitigate risks worldwide
Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds “enormous potential” for improving the health of millions around the world if ethics and human rights are at the heart of its design,
Simple Blood Test That Can Detect 50 Types of Cancer is Accurate Enough to Be Rolled Out
Whereas a cancer screening requires making an individual appointment with a physician, this simple blood test can screen for 50 separate cancers and detect them